Figures & Florals by Matthias Chua (25 Feb -3 March 2024)

Figures & Florals by Matthias Chua (25 Feb -3 March 2024)

Drawing Etc. Creative Space and Gallery is proud to present works by Singaporean Artist Matthias Chua. 

Opening Night: 24 Feb (4pm-8pm)

Dates: 25 Feb - 3 Mar 2024 (12pm -6pm) 

Venue: 62A Arab Street Singapore 199759

Red Carnations
12 x 10 inches
Oil on board 

Figures & Florals (2024) is a small exhibition of old and recent works by Matthias Chua. The exhibition seeks to draw parallels and contrasts between the human figure and floral forms.

Matthias has always seen flowers to be as infinitely complex as the human figure; both with their own sense of gestural, organic and plastic qualities. They are timeless subjects that artists, past and present, spend a lifetime of observation and study to contend with their unceasing complexities. At the same time, the distinct qualities of the figure and the floral are immediately apparant. The floral, wild, untamed and elaborate. The figure, elegant, dignified and poised.

Matthias explores the complexities of the human and floral forms as well as the universal simplicity of their beauty. As forms twist, merge, meld, and weave together throughout the body, so too, do the petals of a flower. The parallel of minute, organic forms of figures and flowers are intimately & intricately observed. 

About the Artist

Matthias Chua (b. 1990) was born in Singapore, raised in Myanmar and New Zealand and educated in Russia. His unique appreciation for the distinct character and manifestations of beauty surrounding him reflects the melting-pot of experiences in his uncommon journey.

In 2019, he graduated with distinction from the prestigious Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in St. Petersburg.

He draws inspiration from contemplative and candid portrayals of everyday life by the great Russian masters, the exuberant use of colour and light by Joaquin Sorolla, and the vital and emotive expressions of Franz Kline and Cy Twombly. Matthias’ art reflects his constant search for intrinsic qualities of the human condition and explores ties that bind us through our universal shared experiences. His pieces, which accentuate the vibrance and multi-faceted essence of life, have found homes in private collections in the USA, China, Russia, as well as Singapore.